Some of you may have seen this recipe on the Internet, but how many have actually plunked down the cash to create this work of art? Not many, I’m guessing. So now I’m going to reveal to the few who are interested how to make a kick-ass novelty dessert for your next party.
Bake two cake mixes as directed on the box. A white cake and a German chocolate cake. Prepare a large box of vanilla instant pudding. Grind a large package of vanilla creme cookies in a food processor until they’re granular like sand. Crumble the cakes in a large bowl, add the pudding and half of the cookie crumbs. Gently blend these ingredients together until they’re moist, not soggy. Put 1/2 cup of the remaining cookie crumbs in a small bowl and thoroughly mix in a few drops of green food coloring. Set aside.
Dump the mixture of cakes, etc. into a brand-new, scrubbed-clean litter box. The resulting mixture should look like this:

Now take a few Tootsie rolls and put them in the microwave for twenty seconds or so until they are pliable. Round the ends, manipulate them however you want. You know what the Tootsie rolls are for. Make ’em look like that.
Now you should have something that resembles this:

Sprinkle the rest of the plain cookie crumbs over the top. Then sprinkle on the green cookie crumbs. Your mixture should now look sort of like this:

Now do some more Tootsie rolls. If you own a cat, you know how it looks after you don’t empty the box for a few days. Be thorough and hang one over the side. Even more thorough chefs will sprinkle a few crumbs on this dangling present left by the phantom cat.
Of course you’re going to serve the cake with a pooper scooper. A new, clean one.
Now you have this:

And if the guests at your party are good sports they’ll enjoy a tasty dessert while being slightly grossed out!

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