by richardc | Mar 20, 2006 | News
Imagine you have in your possession a fantastic new game: a programmable, mechanical ant farm. This farm consists of some dirt and water and plants, as well as a few mechanical ants that have tiny programmable brains in them. These ants are also able, by a fun...
by admin | Mar 16, 2006 | News
Get this: If you could get in your car and drive to Proxima Centauri, which at four light-years away is the closest star to Earth, it would take you approximately 38,262,857 years to get there, if you drove 70 mph.38,262,857 years? I get bored during the 1-1/2 hour...
by admin | Mar 9, 2006 | News
If you’re interested in selling a novel, you probably know that finding an agent is the usual first step on the road to publication (after completing the manuscript, of course). The most common way to start the search is to consult the Guide to Literary Agents...
by admin | Mar 2, 2006 | News
I wrote my first short story when I was eleven years old. It was called (I think) “World War III and the Laser Interceptors.” The only reason you write something like that when you’re eleven is because you are genuinely interested in storytelling....
by admin | Feb 20, 2006 | News
Recently I was asked by a science-oriented periodical to submit short story for their upcoming fiction supplement. I didn’t have anything suitable to send them, but I would nevertheless like to submit something, which means I have to write a story from scratch....
by richardc | Feb 17, 2006 | News
Everyone is required to take an exam before being issued a driver’s license, but there are two problems with this: a) when you’re sixteen, you care a whole lot more about impressing the opposite sex than you care about driving skills, and b) half the shit...
by richardc | Feb 10, 2006 | News
In college I met a guy named Brian Weir, who is one of the most competitive and passionate people I’ve ever known. His willingness to do anything, no matter what the sacrifice, makes him a tough competitor. You know the type of guy I’m talking about....
by richardc | Feb 9, 2006 | News
I know someone who teaches a class where a recent assignment was this: write out directions for a specific activity of the student’s choice. The following is a verbatim response, and if these directions are accurate, they help explain why my childhood prayers...
by richardc | Feb 6, 2006 | News
Some of you may have seen this recipe on the Internet, but how many have actually plunked down the cash to create this work of art? Not many, I’m guessing. So now I’m going to reveal to the few who are interested how to make a kick-ass novelty dessert for...
by richardc | Jan 24, 2006 | News
Writers always want to know what other people think about their work. Many tie their very self-esteem to these opinions and no matter what they might say to you, they do not want to know what you really think. They want to hear how much you enjoyed it, how it...
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